In Aosta Valley

The Romans Ruins in Aosta

Also defined as “The Rome of the Alps”, Augusta Praetoria was a strategic city for the Romans, due to fact it was a mandatory pass to reach the Gaul. Thanks to the beauty and the majesty of its ruins it is still possible to understand the relevance Aosta had for the Roman Empire. Still visible is the August’s Arch, the Praetorian Doors, the amphitheatre and the cryptoporticus. This is a 2000 year-old city surrounded by a frame of 4000 m high mountains.

The Traverse of the Mont Blanc

On January 30th and 31st the roads of the historical centre of Aosta host the millenary exhibition. Hundreds of the best craftsmen and artists show their sculptures made on wood and other materials. At night, the roads are full of traditional folk groups that exhibit our local chants and dances.

The Bard Fort and the Other Castles

After an important restoration, the Bard fort, originally a military fortress, is now open to the public. It hosts an interactive museum of the Alps. Interesting for people of all ages, it currently holds a temporary exhibition of some the best artists in the world. The Aosta Valley also has a rich array of medieval castles. The Castle of Fènis from the XIV century, the Manor of Issogne and military residence of Verrès, the Castle of Aymavilles and the Castle of Sarre (with its room’s ornated with horns and hunting trophies) are all must see.